日记本:[〈 yi種未完待續 ……] 作者:。輝(yxhq)
点击数:577   发表日期:2008-12-14 21:59:16

          My love story? Of course it is fantastic! My boy/girl? It is exactly the right one for me, even better. Then the first to make you discouraged appears, what attracted me now annoys me. Is it the first signal of relationship disintegration? No one could definitely say to oneself when a relationship started," I want to change him/her." But, in our unconscious mind, do we have this idea: he/she will change?


    Some consider that it is quite different to adapt to each for a more harmonious relationship from to attempt to change each other. To change each other is to control the relationship unconsciously.


    Others consider that because of our love, he/she will change. The will to affect each other is actually to wish him/her to care about our love, to show that we are important to him/her.


   After the initial hot spot, criticism between each other is followed: "give up this, improve that"..... Does these words for the sake of your lover or for yourself?
